High School History Recap

#5 The Anglo-Boer War in 10 Objects with Dane Swanepoel

William H Palk and Dane Swanepoel Season 2 Episode 5

In this episode we tell the story of the Anglo-Boer War with the help of 10 objects. Dane Swanepoel is the educational specialist at the Anglo-Boer War Museum in Bloemfontein. The objects include: a French postcard on British Imperialism, a cartoon on Cecil John Rhodes and his Cape to Cairo Railway, a statue titled Afskeid, a bust of De La Rey, a statue of the agterryers, a bust of Sol Plaatjie, a blockhouse, a statue of a Bittereinder and the Women's Memorial. Please email William at williamhpalk78@gmail.com or Dane at dane@anglo-boer.co.za if you would like to receive a pdf doc with all images of all the objects. You can also find us on twitter @WilliamHPalk or @C_duPlessis.  

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