High School History Recap
High School History Recap
#12 Interrogating the MAIN causes of WWI with Michael Neiberg
Michael joins us again to challenge some widely held beliefs about the causes of WWI. The long-term causes of World War One are often conveniently taught using the acronym MAIN, which stands for militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. It is often argued that the presence of these ingredients in Europe made the First World War inevitable, or to use a term Michael taught us, overdetermined. But by looking at each one of these factors, we learn that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism might have only really come to life because of the war itself!
If you are comfortable with the conventional narrative and you want to keep MAIN as the centerpiece of your WWI causes, we suggest you do not listen to this episode!