High School History Recap
The High School History Recap podcast was started by two passionate teachers from South Africa who realised the value of taking history teaching and learning beyond the confines of the textbook and classroom. Their recipe includes constructive conversations with learners and experts alike. William and Colin investigate topics covered in most history classrooms but also ask questions about how best to teach and learn these topics. They cover the "what to teach", "how to teach", "how we learn", and "thinking tools" of history teaching and learning. Find them on any podcast player platform like Apple or Spotify. Let's share the love for history. Find us on Twitter @WilliamHPalk or @C_duPlessis. Our email address is highschoolhistoryrecap@gmail.com.
Podcasting since 2020 • 102 episodes
High School History Recap
Latest Episodes
#7 The Troubles with Prof Liam Kennedy
We delve into some Irish history with Prof Liam Kennedy. Liam has published a myriad of books on Irish history. We look closely at his 2020 book "Who was responsible for the Troubles".These are some of the questions we try to answer:
Season 5
Episode 7

#6 A Secret Apartheid Massacre with Dr Mignonne Breier
Link to Untextbooked.Have you ever heard about the East Bank Location Massacre on 9 November 1952? Neither have we. Dr Mignonne Breier joins us to talk about her book Bloody Sunday in which sh...
Season 5
Episode 6

#5 South African Military History with Prof Timothy Stapleton
In this episode, we get our hands dirty with some military history. Prof Timothy Stapleton of the University of Calgary joins us to discuss South Africa's turbulent past. We look at wars from the earliest colonial times to the end of apartheid....
Season 5
Episode 5

#4 Prebunking Misinformation with Dr Jon Roozenbeek
How should we combat misinformation in the history classroom? What does it take to stop misinformation at the outset? Dr Jon Roozenbeek is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge and joins us to dis...
Season 5
Episode 4

#3 Lilian Ngoyi with Dr Martha Evans
Many streets and clinics bear Lilian Ngoyi's name, but who was she and what was the nature of her accomplishments as an anti-apartheid activist? Dr Martha Evans is working on a substantive biography of Ma'Ngoyi and joins us to share some intere...
Season 5
Episode 3